Saturday, March 9, 2013

No, I did not pack my suitcase in the courtyard below my apartment.

Peek a boo! 
No, I did not pack my suitcase in the courtyard below my apartment.   I just wanted to show my new suitcase to a friend.  I'm quite a hands on person and like to use the real thing when I have it available.  So, I'm a little eccentric...

I'm all excited about my new suitcase.  After packing it with the colorful tops I need for filming my promotions in Chicago next week the inside looks like a box of candy.  There's no way I'll let you see the creative mess I've made figuring out what to wear, but I'll be super organized now.

It does look like a box of candy...

This all started when I went to lunch with my friend Meredith.  I was getting some administrative work done at home and was going to make the big mistake of working through lunch.  I ended up getting a call from a friend who was headed to the sandwich shop downstairs from my apartment, so I took a break.

 Meredith is interested in buying a new suitcase so I ran upstairs after we ate to get my freshly packed bag and went downstairs to do my show and tell.  Even I am not weird enough to randomly take my suitcase to lunch.

Boy we have fun!  Meredith was in tears as
I convinced Kristin to leave me with her
contact info:)

While I was giving my impromptu demonstration another friend came by.  She's moving on campus and may be interested in getting a little extra income....I'll be talking to her when I get home about the great business opportunity I have to offer.  We all went away shaking our heads with smiles on our faces.  

In the meantime I have the mundane task of taxes to finish.  I'll leave you with this.  I'll be back in a week and who knows what I'll have to report on then.  I really do love my life.  If I get bored with one thing I move to the other.  When I'm tired of dealing with all of it I always return to my art and head for the hills.  Adios!

The "Marie" is featured in April's Oprah magazine and we have it for 20% off.  You can order straight from the link above.  Talk about win/win.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, I needed to keep my receipt from lunch. This definately counts as good record keeping for taxes. I'll reconstruct from my bank statement...
