Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More Adventures with Famous

Impressionistic Painting of Famous by MG King
Famous the Fish is quickly becoming an icon.  I'm not sure what he represents yet...The fearless adventurer, the artist's muse or the comfortable friend ... only time will tell.

Just to fill you in, Dave Gallup, oil painter extraordinaire, chose Famous as a "model" for one of his Master's oil  painting classes.  Famous modeled to an unimpressed group of painters; Dave painted him with enthusiasm and  gave him a new home.  In an ice bucket.  Would you be happy? Neither was Famous.  In comes Steve Richardson who saved him from imprisonment in a Camarillo art studio.  Famous has been keeping Steve company on his commute to and from Santa Barbara for art classes in Camarillo ever since.  (Steve's take on this: morecolorpleeez.blogspot.com)
Famous' body double 

My painting and at least five others show Famous at his flashy finest.  (It's way too late to post this but I can't stop laughing at my own body double joke.  I have to share!)  I thought my painting made Famous look like he was hanging out in a water bottle rather than a fish bowl.  Since I didn't finish my painting while Famous was around, I called in his body double.  Her name is Clementine.  She stays still better than Famous did.
"Famous" mugging for the camera

Go back to all of my fish tales. (Ugh!) to get some more giggles.  Check my earlier blog and link to David Gallup's story to hear how Famous got his start. This silly thread will keep you laughing!

Steve!  Please post a photo of Famous.  His public awaits:)  His double doesn't do him justice.


  1. This improvisation is genius. When I saw "Clementine's" small photo on your fb wall, I thought it was a real fish. The yarn as backdrop is stunning. Thanks for sharing the creative process. As a teacher, I am often more interested in the process than in the finished product. It is a shame that to many, the process seems unfathomable and available to only a select few. I believe that everyone is born with creative potential. Your joy in your painting shines through in your art! I am loving your blog.

  2. YAY BETH! Simpatico, you'd think we were twins separated by birth sometimes. Stay tuned to my posting today for the argument on "what is art?" Several of my amazingly talented art friends just don't understand...

    btw, I made the background (an infinity scarf) and knitted enough of them to pay for my December studio rent. What we'll do for art.

  3. I love the name infinity scarf.....kudos! Excellent example of an art form that does not get the recognition it deserves.

  4. You'll have to share this one with Emma. Dave, Famous' "dad" had us painting his sons' two fish yesterday. He managed to convince them to let him take their fish to the studio because it was National Take A Fish to Work Day!
